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Gotvpro for
Political Campaigns,Government Outreach and Constituant Services

Voting is an essential part of our democracy, but it is so much more than just that. We the people want to be part of the conversation. We want to be heard. We want to be engaged. 


Political campaigns are seasonal, voters are weary that politicians forget pledges once elected and do not follow-up with them. The fact is politicians like the government departments they lead lack the tools to give these voters what they want, that is, the ability to continue the conversation from campaigning and into governing.


@Gotvpro, we have unified the essential tools that political campaigns and local governments can use to enrich the meaningful conversation voters expect in whatever medium they prefer. 


Voters are spending 84% of their time on apps, they range from Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Text messaging. We don't have to re-invent the wheel, but we do have to empower voters can continue the conversation with their representatives using the same apps they use daily. Reaching out, sending a picture to a candidate or your local official is no longer an impossible task.


From the Many to One



Voters don't want to be contacted once two to four years, voters don't just want to be informed, they want to be engaged. Social media apps can serve as a direct connection between voters, politicians. Staff should not only check for the latest trends but rather encourage messaging to allow direct access to their voters. Sending updates on improvements, specific information to all people who request them, communication between voters and their representatives will highlight areas that need improvement and present opportunities to a new breed of politicians that want to keep the public informed on actions and policies that help ensure every voter is heard.


We need automation that allows us to send voters messages, letting them know about important events, informing them of problems in their area, and giving out content that matches their preferences and communication style. Using ai can allow voters who have specific issues start a conversation, doesn't matter how small the issue is, we will be able to contact voters about them. Ultimately, voters want accountability


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